War Within Healer Trinkets First ImpressionsPlay Video

War Within Healer Trinkets First Impressions

The War Within Beta is live and I have tested every trinket for healers in both raid and mythic+! In this video we review the various options for healer trinkets, their strengths, weaknesses and how they feel!

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00:00 Bursting Lightshard
01:27 Cirral Concoctory
02:29 Gruesome Syringe
02:59 Mereldars Toll
03:35 Carved Blazikon Wax
05:19 Remnant of Darkness
05:57 Harvesters Edict
07:21 Signet of the Priory
08:45 Sigil of Algari Concordance
09:54 Ara Kara Sacbrood
11:13 Viscous Coaglam
13:07 Entropoc Skardyn Core
13:43 Creeping Coagulum
15:03 Empowering Crystal of Anubikkaj
15:23 Ovinaxs Mercurial Egg
16:30 Scrapsingers Symphony
17:02 Aberrant Spellforge
17:37 Mad Queens Mandate
18:16 Spymasters Web
20:07 Burin of the Candle King
21:25 High Speakers Accretion
22:06 Concoction Kiss of Death
23:04 Fungal Friend Flute
23:30 Everburning Lantern
23:48 Thanks for Watching!

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