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How World First Mythic Gallywix was HealedPlay Video

How World First Mythic Gallywix was Healed

Team Liquid won the Race to World First in the Liberation of Undermine Raid and we're breaking down how their healers work both individually and together to bring down Mythic Chrome King Gallywix World First. They ran one Discipline Priest, one Restoration Druid and two Mistweaver Monks!

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Post-WF Race Healer TUNING

We break down the latest tuning notes for healers post Race to World First that have adjusted tuning for all healers except for Resto Druid!

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How Liquid Healed World First Mug'zee

Team Liquid won the Race to World First in the Liberation of Undermine Raid and we're breaking down how their healers work both individually and together to bring down Mythic Mugzee World First. They ran one Discipline Priest, one Restoration Druid and three Mistweaver Monks!

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Best Resources ALL Elite Players Use

WoW has so many amazing community resources to maximize your gameplay. In this video we go over the best tools for World of Warcraft in The War Within for Raids and Mythic+. Using tools like QuestionablyEpic or Raidbots to simulate your gear, Lorrgs.io to understand how to use your cooldowns and Archon or Murlok to study high-end players and their builds.

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11.1 Discipline Priest Raid Guide Season 2

Master Discipline Priest in our Raid Guide for Discipline Priest in The War Within Season 2. Our guide goes over how to heal Heroic/Mythic Raid content with ease by maximizing your overall toolkit. Discipline Priest is one of the strongest Raid healers in Liberation of Undermine.

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How to ACTUALLY Sim Your Gear as a Healer

QuestionablyEpic.com is the best site for simulating your best gear, trinkets, embellishments and new upgrades for Healers in World of Warcraft. We take you through how to set up the sims for your healer, how each of the modules work for the site and how it can help increase your HPS!

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