THE TRUE Mythic+ Healer Tier List | Top Specs for Shadowlands Dungeons
Looking at the BEST Healers for Season 1 based on testing the various changes to the healer specs over Shadowlands Beta and how they will impact the meta for keys. Also discussing the Prideful affix, relevant talent and covenant choices that propel one spec over another in dungeons!
Watch videoHoly Priest Covenant RANKED and State of the Spec
Ranking Holy Priest's covenant abilities and discussing soulbinds and the state of the spec as it stands on beta right now. Featuring gameplay for Holy Priest in Prideful Mythic+ Dungeons of Necrotic Wake and Spires of Ascension.
Watch videoDiscipline Priest's Covenant's RANKED
Ranking the top covenant selections for Discipline Priest depending on the type of gameplay you're focusing on the most! Also explaining what makes the other covenants good, bad or just plain terrible!
Watch videoShadowlands Beta: Spirit Shell RETURNS for Discipline
Spirit Shell is BACK after a multi-expac break. Returning as a level 50 talent replacing Luminous Barrier this video covers my early thoughts on the ability and where I think it will be most useful!
Watch videoFeast or Famine? Holy Paladin Covenant and Gameplay Changes!
Paladin is CHANGING and this time it looks like there can be some interesting variety in potential playstyles. In this video we discuss the changes coming along for Paladin and what that could mean for its future!
Watch videoState of Mistweaver Monks: Shadowlands Beta
Oh its time. Mythic Raid testing is almost over so lets talk about the State of the Mistweaver, the outstanding bugs that still exist for the spec and what it needs before Shadowlands launches later this year!
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