Dragonflight Alpha: Discipline talents will be INSANE in M+ and Holy Priest's CRAZY New Playstyle??Play Video

Dragonflight Alpha: Discipline talents will be INSANE in M+ and Holy Priest's CRAZY New Playstyle??

Let's make a build! I put together four different builds for Holy and Discipline Priest for raiding and mythic+ to see what could be played early on in the new expansion! They're linked below if you want to follow along, also share your builds in the comments below!

Disc Raid: wowhead.com/dragonflight-talent-calc/AABsQAEQmImBRASQoJCAQBQABuNVVRGAlIkBEKQVBE

Disc M+: wowhead.com/dragonflight-talent-calc/AABsPBEYmAmERQSQhIgEBQABuOVVRWAhIhgFBSAUBA

Holy Raid: wowhead.com/dragonflight-talent-calc/AABsPBEJGAmERQSQpIgEBQABtMVVUSUiBWSBgUBQ

Holy M+: wowhead.com/dragonflight-talent-calc/AABsPFFImAmERQSAhIgEBQABtMVVVQUkYUYISFBB

Discipline Builds: 0:00
Holy Builds: 13:30

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